The corporate account is the third way La Bella Baskets gift consultants can earn an income through the company. The corporate account is beneficial for gift consultants and businesses. Earning an income through the La Bella Baskets corporate account allows gift consultants to sign up businesses such as real estate, car dealers, animal shelters, etc. The benefit a business receives from having a corporate membership with La Bella Baskets is saving 30% off of all their gift orders.
There are two different corporate memberships a business can choose from. The memberships are 6 month for $129.95 and annual for $239.95. La Bella Baskets gift consultants will earn 20% commission ($25.99) if a business signs up for the 6 month membership and 25% commission ($59.99) if a business signs up for the annual membership. The best thing about the La Bella Baskets corporate account is the business sales volume will be added to the gift consultants. This will help La Bella Baskets gift consultants reach their next leadership level faster.
If you own a business and would like to save 30% on all your gift orders contact me for more information at BelleTrice77(at)gmail(dot)com.